
Michael Christoph Lauber

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Attorney General of Switzerland

I was the first Attorney General of Switzerland to be elected by the Federal Parliament. At the Attorney General’s office, I introduced self-administration and strengthened the combat against white-collar crime with a focus on money laundering, corruption, organised crime and asset recovery. I also emphasised national and international cooperation.

Logo der Finanzmarktaufsicht Lichtenstein

Presidency of the Liechtenstein Financial Market Authority (FMA)

The Liechtenstein Parliament elected me Chairman of the Board of Directors of the country’s Financial Market Authority in 2010. I went on to reorganise the authority’s governance and to manage regulatory implementation of EU Directives in financial market law.

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Director of the Liechtenstein Bankers Association (LBA)

As Chairman of the Liechtenstein Bankers Association, I played a key role in opening the Principality as a financial centre.

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Financial Intelligence Unit of Liechtenstein

On behalf of the Liechtenstein government, I set up the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU), the Principality’s first money laundering reporting office.

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Director of PolyReg and legal practice

As part of the implementation of the Swiss Anti-Money Laundering Act, I established PolyReg, a self-regulatory organisation (SRO), and managed it alongside my activities as an independent lawyer.

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Swiss Federal Office of Police fedpol

I set up the Central Office for Organised Crime at what is today the Swiss Federal Office of Police fedpol in 1995. In this role, I was responsible for planning and setting up the Money Laundering Reporting Office Switzerland (MROS).

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Police force of the Canton of Bern (Switzerland), Criminal Investigation unit

In 1993, I took over as Head of the Special Investigations 1 section at the newly restructured Bernese cantonal police department.

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Examining magistrate in the Bernese Oberland (Switzerland)

After studying law at the University of Bern (Switzerland) and being admitted to the bar, I joined the Bernese judiciary in 1992 as one of the canton’s newly created examining magistrates.